Many of the tools which I use, would be familiar to violin makers of the past. These techniques of instrument making are passed down through workshops, schools and colleges to the present and so I have followed this heritage to help me to create fine instruments for the modern player with all the visual and tonal qualities of the great makers of the ‘golden period’ of violin making in Italy during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Repair and restoration work too, follows this evolving pattern and I use the most up to date methods I can and always consider the best interests of your instrument and its preservation.
When you commission an instrument from me, you are involved every step of the way. We can discuss the type and model of instrument that would suit you, the timber I suggest is used for it, how you would like it to be set up and even the colour of the varnish! Photographs and short videos are taken during the construction process and a DVD is created with these on and is presented to you along with the completed instrument as a record for you and acts as part of the history of your instrument.